Why my kids always seem to have messy hair in farm photos

I recently read this article  through a Facebook link. It is absolute gold. It talks about the 10 ways that marrying a farmer will change your life. I have tried many times to explain to my town and city friends why Muddy Hubby can’t make it to weddings or will pull out at the last minute, or why I can’t commit to travel dates until just before or the day of. This article sums it all up.

Our weekends for the Muddy Kids and I aren’t made up of Saturday morning sport or a play down the park, partly because I know I am the only one who would be doing the driving to and from town or other towns, but mostly because we live our farm life and every weekend for us is different and it is hard to commit. One weekend we might be shearing, the next heading north to have a go at cotton picking, or sowing or cleaning out dams or yabbying or just enjoying poking around our big open spaces, creating our new garden, establishing a veggie patch, cutting firewood or just hanging at home (if it’s raining).

Some days if I’m up early enough and get myself together I may get a chance to have things in order before walking out the door, but more often than not I feel like a terrible parent because we’ve had to drop everything and run out the door without doing the hair or sometimes even still in PJs with breakfast on our faces and plates left all over the kitchen because Muddy Hubby needs a hand with something. I have had to learn to let go of my hang ups about all of this, because weighed up against the excitement of going to work on the farm and being together as a family, neat hair will play second fiddle. We just have to go with the flow and brush all the knots out when we get in the shower at night!



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