Sharing The Love

I have never been one to gracefully accept praise when it is given. I’m one of those awkward people who when given an award or some positive feedback I tend to look at my toes and mumble a ‘Thank You’ as I’m a little bit embarrassed that anyone would think me worthy as I just go about my day living life and doing what I do to get through the day. So I feel very humbled by being awarded a lovely blogging award which is awarded to bloggers by fellow bloggers for blogs with under 200 followers who inspire others (can I fit any more ‘blog’ into this sentence?).

The Fabulous Jo at Country Life Experiment has very kindly awarded me the Liebster Blog Award. Jo has a fantastic blog documenting her move to the farm from the city, Jo takes wonderful photos and shares lovely recipes and stories of her life on the farm.

There are a few rules for accepting the award:

  • Copy and paste the award on your blog
  • Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
  • Pick your five favourite bloggers with under 200 followers who deserve to be recognised
  • Hope the five chosen bloggers will continue to spread the blog award love

I have been a little  bit slack in getting onto sharing the love but here are 5 fellow bloggers who inspire me. For some I have no idea how many followers they have so apologies if they have more than 200 followers. Also no pressure, if you don’t want to participate, that’s no problem.

AnnieCookie – Katie has recently changed her blog from ‘A Sunny Home’ to Annie Cookie, she has wonderful craft ideas for kids and I LOVE the fact her blog is named after her invisible twin from when she was a child.

McCarthy Designs – Nellie is a new discovery of mine, she has fabulous taste and I love that she’s set up business in the country, only a few hours from me

Mama of 2 Boys – Julie is a fabulous read, with awesome pics, and yes I know she’s been awarded it before but I think she inspires me so much looking after two rowdy boys in a small space, that I can award it to her again!

About a Bugg – Renee writes a truly inspiring blog about herself and her family, as they raise their daughter Poss who has Asperger’s Syndrome.

Teapots and Tractors – Annaleis lives in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia and posts about her life on a farm and her beautiful kids, and a bit about craft too.

Please take some time to check out my fave reads and feel free to suggest some new ones for me.

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6 thoughts on “Sharing The Love

  1. Nellie McCarthy

    Congratulations on receiving the award Nat, your blog is lovely and I always enjoy pooping by. Thank you for thinking of me, that is so sweet and I really appreciate it. xx

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