Time Together

Last week it rained and Muddy Hubby chose that day to head to the block up north we farm. We traversed sticky black mud roads in showering miserable weather, slipping and sliding around the roads. Then Muddy Hubby climbed the windmill to reconnect it, so he’ll have some water to spray the weeds before we sow. All the while Muddy Bubby slept or happily checked weeds with us out the window.
Muddy Hubby and I used to do this a lot before we had kids, and even with the first two, after that, the kids just fought too much and it wasn’t as much fun. It was so nice to spend time together (and with Muddy Bubby), just chatting away about this, that, weeds, farming, guessing how much rain we’d had, just being together. Something we don’t get a lot of any more.
We’ve had enough rain at home to start sowing, not enough up north, so Muddy Hubby walked out the door yesterday and I think it’ll be the last time we see him for more than a few minutes, for a few weeks (unless it rains again), as we go hell for leather to try and get our crop sown before the moisture dries up or it rains again. He’s promised me he’ll come home for lunch today, as we have some lovely friends coming to visit (the one exception he’ll make), but he’ll be straight back into work after lunch. The life of a farmer is never dull (unless we’re talking weather).

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6 thoughts on “Time Together

  1. Mama of 2 boys

    Awww, look at his little face, so so sweet!
    It’s not easy having hubby’s who don’t work conventional hours. Thinking of you and sending lots of strength and positivity for the coming weeks. You can do it Nat! Big hugs xoxo

  2. Seana Smith

    Hope that the sowing goes really and then there is good rain to get the crops growing. Your images are really impactful… what a blooming suburban life my family is living here!!

  3. Posie Patchwork

    That’s a mighty windmill for the bore, i hope you captured that rain in a useful way, besides testing the tyres!! What a happy baby, oh rosy cheeks, bless him, love Posie

  4. xoCATox

    Aww that’s lovely that you got a little quality time together :)

    Muddy Bubby is super cute! I like how the “safe n sound” logo looks like a little halo above his head!

  5. Katie

    So good to get those calm moments together. We don’t have them nearly enough here either. Hope the weathers kind so you can get it all done.

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