Grateful for The Mobile

Once a fortnight I pack 3 of the 4 Muddy kids in the car and we head off to the local session of the Mobile. This is a service partially government funded that takes playgroup out to rural communities. They have 2 staff members that load up the Landcruiser with toys, tables and chairs, craft, books, music, whatever exciting game they’ve decided to throw in the truck. They drive up to 2 hours, set up and runĀ a session in a community and then pack it all up again at the end and head back to the office to do it all over again the next day for a different community, sometimes even 2 sessions in a day if they’re not travelling too far. They are taking early childhood services out to kids on stations and in small towns that have no other early childhood services
I am so grateful for a service that can entertain my 3 kids very happily for a couple of hours, giving me a chance to have a cuppa and a chat with other mums in the same situation as I am. A chance to just sit back while the kids have an absolute ball playing with other kids and exciting and different toys. We all come home exhausted and some weeks I’m even lucky enough for all 3 of the Muddy Kids to have an afternoon camp while I catch up on house jobs.
Yesterday I was feeling sick of my house and starting to feel very snappy with my kids so I was very excited to go to the Mobile and let the kids run off some energy while I recharged with a cuppa and a chat.

Linking up for the first time with *Maxabella Loves… for 52 Weeks of Grateful

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11 thoughts on “Grateful for The Mobile

  1. Lipgloss Mumma

    What a wonderful idea. Sounds like a great time for the kids and the mums. I guess it is these kinds of things that those who don’t live remotely take for granted

  2. Tat

    How great is that service. It’s always good to have something different for the kids and even better when you are not the one doing all the organising!

  3. Mama of 2 boys

    I have always thought what a marvellous idea the bush mobile is, ever since you started going with your first Muddy. Lovely pics Nat, they look like they’re having a ball… and glad you did too! xoxo

  4. Deb_in_oz

    I love that this service exists – fantastic and it is great that it came just when you needed the break so desperately.

    deb @ home life simplified

  5. Seana Smith

    What a fab service for mums and dads int he bush, delighted to hear about it and here’s hoping it continues forever. Getting out and about is so important, and having people set up and help with kids is a real treat. xx

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