Grateful for Family

At the end of last week I had a rushed trip to Brisbane for a family funeral, it was one of those times where I was thinking ‘do I go or do I stay at home’ and at the last minute I decided to go. Muddy Hubby stepped up to the plate and took care of the Muddy tribe with a little help from family and friends and I spent 24 hours with some family I hadn’t seen in a loooooong time.

So long actually that I had some of my cousins saying ‘gee the last time I saw you, you were only this big’ or ‘I haven’t seen you since you were a kid’. The best thing about it though was other than the conversations about ‘what do you do with yourself’ and ‘Really, you’ve got Four kids’ things were so comfortable and comforting at such a sad time.

We talked and reminisced and shared photos and stories. This is what I love, love, love about family getting together, particularly family that used to do so much together, is the story telling, the remembering and the sharing of favourite memories. This is so special, we talked about my Grandma and her two sisters, about their growing up and their courtships during and after the war, then the growing up and family gatherings.

Since I’ve been back my family has been emailing me lots of photos, and I have been sent a recording of my Grandma’s youngest sister sharing her memories (turns out my grandmother was dating two men at the same time when she first met my grandfather, scandalous!). My favourite thing from family has been the photo below taken at my Mum and Dad’s wedding, outside the church, the same church where I was married, and that lamppost, it’s still there!

So this week I am grateful for family, family spread far and wide, family sharing stories and memories and reminiscing. I hope my kids have the same comfort and love of family as they get older.

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10 thoughts on “Grateful for Family

  1. Mama of 2 boys

    Oh look at your parents Nat! Love that photo. I never realised you were married in the same church… gorgeous old church that it is. The sharing of family history is such a special thing, though it is sad that it often takes a sad/tragic event to bring a family together. Glad you got to spend some time with yours xoxo

  2. Seana Smith

    There’s something so special about extended families, I think it’s all that time spent together as kids that bonds us so tightly, and so much shared history. It’s taken me until middle age to realise how important cousins are, and it’s sad that I am so far away from mine. Lovely photos there.

  3. Deb_in_oz

    Gorgeous photos – so sorry you rushed back for a funeral, but it is amazing how the positive side is the reconnecting of extended families. Love the idea of the recording and hearing about family “scandals” that reveal a little more about older generations.

    Deb @ home life simplified

  4. Mez

    Oh this is lovely post, despite the circumstances. I just adore old photos – what a great find! Cheers, Mez

  5. Amanda

    Funerals are sad occasions but they are usually also the place where families get the chance to get together again.

  6. Amanda

    hi! just wanted to stop by and say hello! I’m your newest follower and i found you through the 52 weeks of grateful which i am doing as well but i’m doing all vlogs! (videos!) which i thought would be fun! anyways, great post, I think it’s wonderful to see what everyone is thankful for cause it just makes me that much more thankful/grateful myself, so thank you!! have a great week!!

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