Working with Hay

We’ve almost finished the hay work for now, getting ready to focus on sowing if it decides to rain (not looking great at the moment). The bales get loaded on the truck up the paddock and either carted into the hay stack and unloaded in lovely rows or they get carted to the hay shed and stacked in there, but it doesn’t hold very many big round bales.

All loaded up from the paddock, waiting to be unloaded


Unloading in the hay stack (The Muddy Pixie has her own little spot in the tractor today, the Puzzler gets the afternoon shift)
All lined up in lovely rows (got to love order)

Before the bales could be stacked in the hay shed the hay shed had to be cleaned out, so we got a load of lovely mulch and a huge load of hay for my garden. Sunday we all worked together to spread it over the veggie patches and around the orchard. Somehow I think Muddy Hubby got the easy job!

The Muddy Puzzler loading up her cart
The Muddy Pixie with a full little wheelbarrow

All lined up ready for a load (damn you blogger for making it so hard to arrange my pictures how I want them!)



Muddy Bubby oversaw it all from his pram or the sandpit.

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4 thoughts on “Working with Hay

  1. xoCATox

    Love these pictures!

    I’m too afraid to show my partner this post because this is exactly the kind of lifestyle he is keen for.

    Your blog and pictures make it look all the more tempting to quit the big smoke, like he wants! x

  2. Mama of 2 boys

    Oh Muddy Bubby is just itching to get involved, I can tell!
    You’re quite the productive team Muddy family. Looks awesome, well done!
    I think Muddy hubby got the easy job too… but don’t tell him I said that xoxo

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