Library Time

Over the past few months we’ve been spending a lot of time at our local library. It is sadly an under utilised resource in our town, and what we’ve got I do like to try and support and make sure we don’t lose it! I have been an intermittent visitor to the library since Muddy Organiser turned 1, but since the summer holidays we have been trying to visit on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
It’s a lovely little library, with really friendly and welcoming staff, comfy chairs and comfy beanbags (from which I took most of my photos). The kids wander around looking through the books, they are allowed to borrow one book and one puzzle each. While the Muddy Puzzler is quick to make a choice the Muddy Pixie agonises over her choices, she is always the last one to make a decision, browsing through all the shelves and intently studying each puzzle before she makes that all important choice of which one will come home with us. The Muddy Organiser on the other hand is surprisingly fickle, she’ll pick one say ‘It’s my favourite’ keep walking around and quickly drop it in favour of another ‘this is my favourite’. It’s become a lovely little ritual for us to visit the library, spend some time with the books and even I can have a browse and pick up a new read every couple of visits.
The Muddy Kids love to come home from the library and tell Muddy Hubby all about the books they’ve borrowed and show him the toys or puzzle they’ve borrowed. They swap them around amongst themselves and make up stories to go with the pictures if we don’t have time to read the book 20 times a day as they keep asking us to.
I am a BIG believer in reading to kids from an early age, doesn’t matter what you’re reading to them, as long as they’re seeing and hearing you read. Muddy Hubby likes to read to the kids the nights he’s home in time and is often reading them articles from the paper, although their favourite thing to do is spot photos of machinery in The Land. I have a real love of books and reading and am so pleased to see my kids are developing the same.
Muddy Organiser at 12 weeks being read the local paper

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2 thoughts on “Library Time

  1. Mama of 2 boys

    Oh Nat, they all look so big in these pics! They’re growing at the speed of light. So gorgeous.
    I feel very remiss that I’ve NEVER taken the boys to our local library. It has always been one of those things that scare me… quiet library vs not so quiet boys. I’ll make an effort to get them involved this year for sure. Thanks for the inspiration… yours looks like a lovely library xoxo

  2. Lizeylou

    We love visiting our little local library – in fact my husband took the kids this morning to get some new books for the week.
    Even came out with a movie for us big kids to watch!
    I love having kids that are so excited to read, something I hope they love forever!

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