Bootcamp 101

This week will be my second Bootcamp session. I decided to sign up for Women’s Bootcamp being run in town by a local Mum because I need a kickstart. Someone to tell me to get my butt into gear and get active. ‘Princess Pain’ as she calls her personal training service is definitely the one to do it, but in a nice way!

I didn’t want something like this


And I especially didn’t want ‘glamorous mum’ Bootcamp like this, because I am far, far, far from glamorous when exercising.


It was hard work, it got my heart going, pushed my limits and by the end I was busted, but you know what, it felt good! It felt good to actually be doing something, getting more active than just walking with the kids while they ride their bikes, or pottering in the garden. I signed up with my neighbour, and my Muddy sister-in-law has decided to give it a go too, so it’s nice to have someone to be doing it with, keep me going and keep me honest! I also paid up front to make sure I go.

It had been a while (try 6.5 years!) since I’ve been to a gym or done any exercise other than farm work, walking or the cross trainer, but it bought back so many memories! I could remember how to do most of the circuit. The one that scared me the most was called ‘Mountain Climber’, not because I found it overly taxing, but because when you do it EVERY LITTLE bit of you wobbles, you feel EVERYTHING move and that was not fun!

My next step is to make sure that in between sessions I’m getting more active at home, even if it’s just little bits here and there. ‘Princess Pain’ also has a facebook group for us where she posts hints and tips to keep us going, she’s done a course in nutrition so we get some info on that too, so after one week I’m pretty happy, and actually looking forward to week two.

Have you done ‘Bootcamp’ before?
Was yours hardcore or more sedate?

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