Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Our Mechanic Apprentice

Our Muddy Puzzler has shown a really keen interest of late in going to work with Muddy Hubby. Muddy Hubby is extremely proud, he was working on the truck last week and asked her to bring him a shifter, sure enough she came back with the right tool.
Myself on the other hand thinks of the washing! I haven’t yet perfected the art of getting grease out of clothes. Any tips welcome!
Linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.

Wordless Wednesday – Wool Lovers

We’ve spent most of the last week and a half in and out of the shearing shed, it’s a good thing my Muddy Kids love it!

Linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday, make sure you pop over and check it out!
And what do you think of my new header? Do you love it as much as I do? My wonderful, talented BFF Laura created it for me and I am eternally grateful for her help!

Wordless Wednesday – A Little Light Show

A couple of years ago my Muddy Sister-in-law gave these delightful cupcake lights to my Muddy Girls to decorate their room. Initially they were great, then we moved rooms, didn’t set them up, then there was a loose globe. Now finally Muddy Hubby has them going again and each night is like our own personal light show (we take what we can get out here!). Then for his Baptism Muddy Bubby was gifted with some lovely star lights, so we now have a light show going in 2 bedrooms each night! It puts a smile on everyone’s face each time they get switched on.

Linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday and showing a bit of pink in support of her breast cancer fight, sending love and hugs to Trish and her family.

The Baby Kookaburra

We have a friend at home at the moment, a Baby Kookaburra, the Muddy Kids get very excited when they see him. He is however being bullied by the other birds. He finds a nice sunny spot and they flock to him and swoop him and it’s not long before he flies away, having had enough of being bullied by the other birds.

Joining in with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Drafting the Rams out

Sunday afternoon after a lovely Mother’s Day lunch at the local pub we came home and drafted the Rams out of a mob of Ewes. We can expect babies about July/August!
A sad Ram to be leaving his ladies
Heading up the drafting race, Rmas to the left, Ewes to the right.

Some colour in the sheep yards with my Muddy Pixie and Puzzler
Linking up for Wordless Wednesday (not quite wordless this week) with Trish at