Category Archives: 52 – A Portrait a Week


A Portrait of each of my Muddy Kids, Once a Week, Every Week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – Keeping Muddy Hubby organised and making sure the rings are always ready
Muddy Pixie – Her own style, her own world
Muddy Puzzler – In where the action is at, stylish in thongs
Muddy Boy – Glued to Muddy Hubby’s side, loving every second


‘A portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013’

Muddy Organiser – She’s come a long way, she used to be afraid of lambs, now she’s happy to feed them
Muddy Pixie – Sitting in the audience at the school concert, in awe of the spotlight and action on the stage
Muddy Puzzler – Not wanting to miss any of the marshmallow!
Muddy Boy – I love that he has no problem at the moment with wearing girly clothes, hats, pink shirts, I know this will change soon, but for now I love that he gives it no thought.


A Portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – A rare smile, at the moment exhaustion is setting in with the end of Term 3 closing fast
Muddy Pixie – Delighting in the veggie garden
Muddy Puzzler – So proud to be wearing Grandpa’s Beanie that was found after being lost shifting sheep in July
Muddy Boy – Thongs – no more to be said

Linking up over at Che and Fidel for 52 – A Portrait a Week


A portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013
Muddy Organiser – So serious, thoughtful and contemplative
Muddy Pixie – Mum- do you have to take my photo again
Muddy Puzzler – Let loose on the hammock
Muddy Boy – I’m not too sure about this hammock Mum – I think I like it!
I think I am done playing catch up now, finding the time to blog has been hard these past few weeks, I still captured those moments with my kids, but the time to upload and put them together has been harder. Trying now to get back on track……


A Portrait of each of my kids once a week, every week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – Taking in the spectacular Warrumbungles
Muddy Pixie – Enough with the shoes already – I’ll carry them
Muddy Puzzler – Captured in a moment that cheeky smile
Muddy Boy – I want to do what my sisters are doing


A Portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – Intent on taking photos
Muddy Pixie – So confident as she strides through the chickpeas
Muddy Puzzler – Taking the Tonka Hardhat everywhere
Muddy Boy – Desperate to keep up with his sisters from under his big hat


A Portrait of each of my Muddy Kids, Once a week, Every Week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – At the moment there is no silence, you are constantly chattering away, asking questions, sharing information, your mouth just never stops.
Muddy Pixie – At the moment you have good days and bad days, the good days you let me do your hair, the bad days – you don’t
Muddy Puzzler – This week you turned 4, it’s hard for me to believe and you are LOVING being 4
Muddy Boy – Caught in motion, as Muddy Hubby throws you in the air

Linking up over at Che and Fidel for 52 – A Portrait a Week


A Portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013
Muddy Organiser – The awe that is the beach
Muddy Pixie – New glasses for the next 4 months
Muddy Puzzler – Clutching her shell collection
Muddy Boy – Look Mum, an egg
Linking up over at Che and Fidel for 52 – A Portrait a Week


A portrait of each of my kids, once a week, every week in 2013

Muddy Organiser – Now on gate duty, jumping out so quickly to get the gate
Muddy Pixie – Stacking up her own fire and packing it down, just like Dad
Muddy Boy – Dirt, Dust and Old Machinery = Happy Boy
Muddy Puzzler – Glamorous in her party dress while holding a sheep skull – and showing off her new haircut.

Joining in the lovely link up over at Che and Fidel for 52 – A Portrait a Week.


A Portrait of each of my Muddy Kids Once a Week, Every Week in 2013
Muddy Organiser – Thoughtful
Muddy Pixie – Determined to get over the ramp
Muddy Puzzler – In action on the last day of shearing on the wool table
Muddy Boy – Peeling potatoes, lets hope it continues!
Linking up over at Che and Fidel for 52 – A Portrait a Week