Finding their Sea Legs

That week between Christmas and New Year is a great one, time seems to slip away and one day melds into the next so you’re not quite sure what day it actually is. For the past few years we have spent that lovely week in Sydney visiting my parents, we invade their usually quiet house with noise and mess and chaos. To help try and let Nana have at least one hot cup of tea each day without being interrupted we try and take the kids out and about, explore Sydney, catch up with friends and exhaust the Muddy Tribe so they drop straight off to sleep at night.
One of their favourite activities is to go out on the harbour on Grandpa’s boat, if the weather is right we’ll throw them in for a swim (never ones to miss an opportunity when we’re on the coast). Slowly, slowly they’re finding their sea legs, learning how to balance as the boat moves and how to avoid feeling sea sick.
Their most exciting trips though are to watch the Family Fireworks on New Years Eve, we pack them up and head down to anchor off Clarks Point at Woolwich and try and keep them entertained until the fireworks start. It is a highlight in their calendar, and as soon as they’re over they start asking when they’ll be on again. 




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One thought on “Finding their Sea Legs

  1. Mama of 2 boys

    More fabulous photos Nat. Looks like the kiddos had so much fun. Glad you got to enjoy NYE on the harbour again and the weather was superb for it too. Can’t get over the Muddy tribe swimming in Sydney harbour… so brave! xoxo

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