A Given Versus A Privilege

We’ve been struggling in our house recently with what’s a ‘given’ and what’s a ‘privilege’ that the Muddy Kids need to earn. I have always had the iPad off limits, it’s just something I have set down from the start. The iPhone they have a few educational games loaded onto and if they earn it through good behaviour or good helping they can have a set amount of time to play on it. Lately though they’ve been asking more and more ‘can I have a go on your phone Mum?’. I find myself forever saying ‘it’s not a given, you need to earn it’.

My Muddy Organiser definitely understand this and the Muddy Pixie and Muddy Puzzler are starting to, but it still doesn’t stop them asking again and again. I’m a string believer in getting kids to understand that they are not simply going to get everything they ask for, that some things they won’t get and others they need to work hard to earn.

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